With B2B Marketing becoming more complex and tailored to each individual in the pipeline, companies are facing new dilemmas in terms of identifying the right buyer personas, or creating the buyer journey, or choosing the marketing channel that will work best for their business.
Costs of an external marketing partner
We can notice that a company needs one form or another of marketing to put itself out there in the market and drive sales for the business, but the question that many entrepreneurs are still pondering over is: should I have an in-house team or an external marketing team? The answer to this depends on many things and [...]
Inbound vs. Outbound: stats and figures
Any company understands the importance of marketing for both its visibility and long-term growth. But taking the right decisions to develop the right marketing strategy for a company can be challenging. HubSpot offers a comprehensive report on the current state of inbound marketing and sales strategy, which you can[...]
3 Marketing Frameworks for B2B Tech Companies
Your marketing department should use marketing frameworks. Why? Because they can overcome the moments of insecurity and instability in the process of marketing strategy implementation. Building a medium-long marketing strategy is recommended when you have to manage budgets and set business objectives.
How to Define the Best Tech Startup Marketing Strategy in 2018
The main goal of every B2B Tech startup is to achieve growth. Having a great product or service is essential for growth, but it won’t be enough. Your business also needs an effective marketing strategy, one that will show the strengths of your product or service to the right clients and investors. Defining the best[...]
Marketing Nearshore Outsourcing Services
Eastern Europe is well-known as an important hub of IT outsourcing companies. But as East Asia, particularly India, has been seen the top outsourcing region, companies based in Eastern Europe have to market their advantages at the very best. This does not mean spamming companies with emails all over Europe or United[...]
Do your cold-calling efforts pay off?
If you want good business, you need to go after it. While in the perfect world, your phone would be ringing off the hook all day with clients offering you business, the reality is that if you want to be successful you need to take initiative. And cold calling is an effective sales tactic if done properly.
Do you write effective calls-to-action?
The call to action (CTA) is the makes it or breaks it element of your content marketing strategy. Its effectiveness will establish the visitor’s level of engagement with your company/organization.