B2B contact marketing campaigns have numerous cost and effectiveness advantages, but, if they’re not run correctly, they can bring more losses than benefits.
NNC Services becomes HubSpot Partner
NNC Services becomes HubSpot Partner
Bucharest, 20th of May 2019 - NNC Services, a B2B marketing consulting company with over 12 years of experience in the IT&C industry, announces it has joined HubSpot as a Certified Agency Partner.
Romanian marketing know-how conquers the global IT&C market
NNC Services, an international consulting company, opens new office in Poland to serve the Central-European region
(Bucharest, March 16, 2017) - NNC Services, a B2B marketing consulting company, announces the opening of a new service center that will serve, from Warsaw, the local and Central-European market. Thus,[...]
Study: Lead generation, a development strategy adopted by 90% of the large IT&C companies in Romania
NNC Services announces the results from the latest study regarding the challenges that Romanian IT&C companies are currently facing with
Study: Lead generation, a development strategy adopted by 90% of the large IT&C companies in Romania
NNC Services announces the results from the latest study regarding the challenges that Romanian IT&C companies are currently facing with
OutsourcingPortal launch
Strategic Cooperation at European level for the Outsourcing Sector Development
NNC Services in Partnership with Pro Progressio Launched the Romanian Version of the OutsourcingPortal International platform
How can PR and Advertising Agencies Increase Revenue
According to industry research company IBISWorld, the importance of social media is driving the demand for public relations firms, which are forecast to grow at an average annualized rate of 5.7% to $12.8 billion between 2010 and 2015.
Reduce sales costs through efficient marketing
Success in today’s volatile business environment requires access to human resources that are well-trained in current practices across all marketing disciplines. However, companies must focus on their current activities, and often cannot focus on adopting the latest marketing tactics. Outsourcing the marketing function[...]
Outsourced B2B Lead-Gen Brings 40% Increase In Sales ROI
B2B lead-generation is not mass marketing. In order to get results, simplicity is the key: ask simple questions, know simple facts and perform simple actions, but with a high impact.
Why Partner with Others to Develop Your IT Business?
Alliances and partnerships between IT companies are collaborative agreements in which all participants concede to achieve a common goal. Alliances are becoming more popular as businesses seek new ways of collaboration to accelerate growth. According to a recent PWC survey, US CEOs are seeking more of these types of[...]