Getting the B2B marketing budget right is an aspect that all companies should look into, regardless of their size. Paying attention to how each marketing dollar is spent eventually makes the difference between a positive and a negative ROI. In the case of new campaigns, where there’s no historical data to rely on,[...]
Which Paid Advertising platform works best for your B2B business?
In the context of last year’s changes concerning data privacy (GDPR and California Consumer Privacy Act), online data collection has an altered growth. These data protection regulation had a massive impact on marketing activities as well. B2B marketers can't use anymore personal details to run targeted campaigns, and[...]
Smart Ways to Plan Your B2B Marketing Budget
Getting the B2B marketing budget right is an aspect that all companies should look into, regardless of their size. Paying attention to how each marketing dollar is spent eventually makes the difference between a positive and a negative ROI. In the case of new campaigns, where there’s no historical data to rely on,[...]