Businesses everywhere are redirecting their efforts towards online marketing strategies, and you should do the same. More importantly, digital marketing is an excellent solution in the current context because your business can easily monitor the efficiency of online activities and have a more unobstructed view if[...]
What leaders have to say about financial measures that ensure business continuity now?
From cutting personnel expenses to receiving funds from the government, financial decisions are vital for businesses during this time. Not only will they impact revenues, but also the financial health of the company which can suffer in the longer-term if owners will not be cautious when choosing the right way to[...]
Post Webinar Article-How to grow your B2B pipeline in difficult times?
The #B2BGrowth webinar series started with the idea of growing a community in which we can talk about ways to learn, become better, and assure your business continuity after the current business crisis that is the repercussion of COVID-19 situation.
SEO is the new gamechanger in the times of Coronavirus
Coronavirus or COVID-19 has made the headlines in the news for the past few weeks, especially because it managed to spread worldwide so strong and so fast, putting our health at risk and changing deeply our lives and working conditions. More companies are adopting a remote working strategy to keep their employees safe[...]
How companies are reinventing their business plans to fight Covid-19
As the pandemic is forcing industries to rethink their strategies, reconsidering your business' activities should be one of the first things to start your business continuity plan with.
With a focus on how businesses should better face the dynamic market reality, we will give some insights about how your business can
Grow Your B2B Company in Challenging Times with Digital Marketing
A fairly part of marketing B2B budget was invested in events attendance in the past few years. All the physical events are closed due to the COVID-19 potential impact. In this situation, let's see together how you can spend this budget in the most meaningful way, the one from which you can still see ROI and qualified[...]
COVID-19:The Impact on global industries and Implications for business
With the newly quarantine measures and restrictions, consumer’s behavior has changed completely. A shift in approaching customers has also occurred for businesses in most of the industries, addressing their new needs through online solutions. The increased demand for online services and products brings along new[...]
Events organizers, it's time to face a digital transformation!
While events from all over the world have been canceled or rescheduled, it is vital to turn on the digital side to keep your planned events on track. By moving the events on digital, you will also have to adjust your marketing strategies fast. Now, more than ever, since moving in the online is the primary backup[...]
How to grow your B2B pipeline in challenging times?
This one is not another article about how hard it is to keep your business on track these days in which COVID-19 takes over a lot of companies and creates panic. I know it seems hard to see the bright side of all of this, but believe me, as a Founder of a Marketing Company that is up and running for more than 14[...]
Crisis communication plans that flatten business panic during Covid-19
We have seen how the situation of the Coronavirus outbreak is quickly transforming everything, from our daily hygiene habits, to how businesses are turning towards the community, to overcome this situation together.
As a marketing company, we adopted quick measures to keep our business going and to protect our[...]