Every year comes with new technologies, and companies innovate and implement new ways to better communicate and promote their services to the customers. The clients’ expectations become more refined, as the B2B digital marketing strategies tend to reach them with more disruptive, cutting-edge tools and marketing[...]
Cum reușesc companiile din industria IT&C să-și motiveze angajații?
Ultimii ani au marcat piața muncii din România, mai ales cea a industriei IT&C. Dacă acum câțiva ani existau mulți specialiști IT disponibili pe piață, astăzi companiile se află într-un impas în ceea ce privește atragerea de noi angajați și sunt nevoite să implementeze diferite strategii pentru a îmbunătăți rata[...]
5 Ways to Drive More Leads to your B2B Website
Every company has a website now, but not many get the full ROI out of it. How can you change that? There are a few necessary steps that any B2B company should take into account when they decide to invest time and resources to start generating leads on their websites. Step by step we will talk about each and one of[...]
What Are IT&C Companies Doing to Motivate Their Employees?
We’ve seen in the past few years that Romanian IT&C labour market has experienced some massive changes. If a few years ago we had many available IT professionals, now companies have to implement various strategies to increase their retention rate.
What Are IT&C Companies Doing to Motivate Their Employees?
We’ve seen in the past few years that Romanian IT&C labour market has experienced some massive changes. If a few years ago we had many available IT professionals, now companies have to implement various strategies to increase their retention rate.
Getting Started with Marketing Automation for Sales & Lead Generation
No matter what marketing planning model your company uses, reaching certain results within a specific timeframe is definitely among the objectives. The problem is that sometimes it’s impossible to achieve the desired results in the desired timeframe without hiring additional employees. Increasing the pace is often[...]
4 Lead Generation Trends that Shaped 2017
Continuing our series of blog posts on how IT&C companies approach lead generation depending on their size, we would like to present you the specifics of medium businesses. Among the details that we’ll discuss are the percentage of medium companies that perform any lead generation activities, the preferred tactics and[...]
How to Engage with Salesforce Partners and Customers at Dreamforce 2017
Dreamforce 2017, the #1 Technology Industry Event in San Francisco, according to BizBash, has started on November 6 and promised to bring together Salesforce experts from all over the world. Considering the new features introduced in the Salesforce Winter ‘18 Release and the exceptional speakers, this is surely an[...]
4 Ways Small Businesses Approach Lead Generation Differently
One of the conclusions from the IT&C business development benchmark study we conducted earlier this year was that differently sized businesses rely on distinct lead generation techniques. While we wish to cover the particularities of each category, we’ll start by focusing on the trends characterizing the small[...]
German Market Entry Strategies for Southeast European Outsourcing Companies
NNC Services and BWBB joined forces to help Romanian Outsourcing companies better understand how to enter the German business market using the Outsourcing Portal online B2B collaboration platform.