Are you having a hard time keeping up the newly emerged technologies when you need to manage instant Web updates? Or when you have to efficiently distribute tones of e-mails to clients or stakeholders and communicate through text messages to critical audiences? With the constant evolution of social media it has become[...]
Make personnel your best asset in company branding during crisis
As if people weren’t annoyed enough with the image of happy, shining employees in all TV commercials, you can see, even these days, that some companies try to display the same immaculate image, as if nothing was wrong on the labor market these days.
Crisis? Outsource your marketing operations ten times more carefully!
I’m sure all of you are looking for a gateway to save the sales results you’ve had so far, and get through 2009 without any major turmoil. Today, marketing outsourcing has become an essential aspect of business strategies and has very good potential to help you get through the crisis and still have good business[...]
Crisis? Outsource your marketing operations ten times more carefully!
I’m sure all of you are looking for a gateway to save the sales results you’ve had so far, and get through 2009 without any major turmoil. Today, marketing outsourcing has become an essential aspect of business strategies and has very good potential to help you get through the crisis and still have good business[...]
How to write good marketing letters
As we kick off 2009, one thing is clear: We're entering an entirely new era for marketers. Right now, prospects want to make every purchase a safe one. That means they'll rely on companies or brands they know and trust. Closing sales will require a stronger emphasis on tactics that let you relate to customers one to[...]
9 marketing stories you must use
We have heard about popular marketing buzzwords, such as "customer centric", "low-hanging fruit" or even "viral marketing" but these buzzwords do not necessarily represent effective marketing themes or stories. A book that further discusses this issue is “Beyond Buzz: The Next Generation of Word-of-Mouth Marketing”.[...]
Learn to love negative feedback
Here are three things you have to know about negative feedback and customer complaints.
How to generate sales – 7 low-cost marketing tips
Here are 7 low-cost but highly effective marketing tips to help any small business find customers and generate sales quickly.
9 steps to a successful direct mailing campaign
It has become common knowledge that the success of a direct mail campaign can be broken down into three primary components: