What Can AI Do for Your Marketing That You Haven’t Tried Yet?

23 Sep

What Can AI Do for Your Marketing That You Haven’t Tried Yet?

By B2B, B2B Blogging, Digital Marketing, LinkedIn, Marketing Strategy, Business Growth, Business Intelligence, B2B digital agency, LinkedIn marketing strategy, AI, AI Marketing

Ah, artificial intelligence. By now, you’ve heard about it in every marketing webinar, read countless think pieces, and maybe even experimented with tools like ChatGPT or DALL-E. But let’s be honest — AI can still feel like a mystery. Sure, it sounds fancy, but what’s it actually doing for marketers? And more importantly, what can it do for you?

Well, here’s the deal: AI is no longer some futuristic technology reserved for Silicon Valley prodigies. It’s here. Right now. In fact, just over two-thirds of B2B marketers already use AI tools to create more content, design personalized campaigns, and stay one step ahead of the competition. And whether you’ve embraced AI or not, there’s one thing you can’t ignore: AI isn’t going away anytime soon.

But before you hit the panic button, let’s discuss what this means for you and your marketing team. Spoiler: it’s not as intimidating as it sounds. And there’s a good chance that AI could make your life easier — without requiring you to suddenly become a data scientist. So, grab a coffee (or your beverage of choice), and let’s talk about how AI fits into your world.

AI’s Role in Your Marketing Toolkit (Hint: It’s More Than Robots Taking Over)

First things first, AI doesn’t mean machines are coming for your job. It’s not here to replace creativity or turn marketers into mindless drones. It’s doing the opposite — freeing up your time so you can get back to what you do best: thinking.

Take content creation, for example. We all know how much time it takes to brainstorm, draft, edit, and publish a single blog post (like the one you’re reading right now). With AI, you can produce content faster without losing the personal touch that makes your brand stand out. LinkedIn’s research shows that 58% of marketers expect to generate more content in less time thanks to AI tools like ChatGPT. And let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want to hit those deadlines a little easier?

But that’s just the start. AI can also help analyze customer behavior and predict what will work in your next campaign. So, instead of guessing what your audience wants to see, you can actually use AI to find out. Not too bad, right?

Efficiency Is Cool, But Creativity Is Still King

Okay, so AI is great at saving you time. But here’s the real kicker: it’s also helping marketers develop better ideas. How? By handling the heavy lifting — like sorting through piles of data or automating repetitive tasks — AI gives you the headspace to focus on being creative.

Think about it: When did you last feel genuinely excited to tackle campaign analytics or build a weekly content calendar? Probably never. With AI, you can delegate those dull tasks and spend more time brainstorming unique campaigns or writing that ideal email subject line. According to LinkedIn’s report, 39% of B2B marketers say they’re using AI to build more creative campaigns in 2024. That’s nearly half of us, folks — and it’s only growing.

But here’s the catch: just because you can rely on AI doesn’t mean you should. Sure, these tools are great at processing data-driven insights, but they can’t tap into that human element of creativity that makes a brand memorable. That’s where you come in. AI is a tool — and like any tool, it’s only as good as the person using it. So, don’t be afraid to put your unique spin on things, even if an algorithm tells you otherwise.

Is AI Changing the Hiring Game? You Bet

If you’re a marketing manager or agency leader, you’ve probably already noticed a shift in the types of skills clients ask for. In fact, 71% of leaders say they’d prefer hiring someone with AI literacy, even if they’re less experienced than someone without those skills. That’s a pretty big deal.

So, whether you’re a junior marketer just starting out or a seasoned pro, knowing your way around AI quickly becomes non-negotiable. The good news? You don’t need a Ph.D. in computer science to keep up. There are tons of beginner-friendly resources out there. For example, LinkedIn Learning offers courses like “What is Generative AI?” and “Prompt Engineering: How to Talk to the AIs.” And before you roll your eyes at the idea of “talking to the AIs,” think of it like this: AI is just another tool in your kit. The more you know how to use it, the better you’ll get at your job.

Getting the Message Across (Because Clear Messaging Still Wins)

Even with all this cool AI tech, some things never change. For instance, you still need to deliver a clear message to your audience. And guess what? B2B buyers value clarity more than anything else — 29% of B2B ads are less effective when the message isn’t crystal clear.

Now, you might be thinking, “But isn’t AI supposed to help with that?” Of course, AI can help you draft a catchy headline or fine-tune your copy for SEO, but it can’t magically turn a confusing idea into a clear, concise message. That’s on you. AI can help with the how, but the what — the heart of your message — still needs that human touch.

The Bottom Line (Or, Should We Say, the Fun Part?)

So, where does this leave us? AI is here, and it’s helping marketers all over the world work smarter, not harder. But at the end of the day, it’s still a tool — a tool that needs your unique blend of creativity, insight, and expertise to truly shine. Whether it’s speeding up your content creation process or giving you more time to focus on the big picture, AI is making marketing more fun (yes, fun!) for those who embrace it.

But here’s the kicker: it’s not about doing everything for you. It’s about helping you do what you do best — just faster and maybe with a little more flair. So, instead of worrying about technology taking over, why not see AI as your new marketing sidekick? Who knows, you might actually enjoy having it around.

What about you? Are you ready to experiment with AI in your marketing strategy, or are you still on the fence? Either way, there’s no rush, but if LinkedIn’s data indicates anything, the AI train will pick up speed and only get faster.

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