No matter what marketing planning model your company uses, reaching certain results within a specific timeframe is definitely among the objectives. The problem is that sometimes it’s impossible to achieve the desired results in the desired timeframe without hiring additional employees. Increasing the pace is often important for keeping up or staying ahead of the competition. In such situations, one of the best solutions is to automate part of the repetitive business processes, including sales & lead generation. Automation is a hot topic these days for companies of all sizes, but choosing one of the many tools available can be challenging.
In a particular case, lead gen automation tools should mainly focus on achieving two goals, building a reliable database of prospects and sending email messages in bulk. Let’s take a look at the key performance indicators that would be relevant, and some of the features that make a sales & lead gen automation tool good.
When it comes to what key performance indicators should be monitored when using an automation tool, there are two separate perspectives. First of all, you might want to know whether the database built with them is indeed relevant. In that respect, the KPIs to monitor are:
Secondly, if the tool also focuses on automating email campaigns, the KPIs to keep in mind include:
With that in mind, let’s take a look at a couple of the features that lead gen automation tools should have to help your company achieves its objectives.
Sales and lead gen automation tools are the way to go for SaaS companies in English-speaking markets, especially for automating online sales. Given the small budgets that such organizations handle at the beginning of their road, investing in a complex and expensive solution makes no sense at all, as the ROI would most likely not be positive.
While email marketing automation is included in most automation tools, things are a bit different when it comes to prospecting. Some tools provide access to an already-built database featuring hundreds of millions of high-quality contacts that you can filter depending on your specific demographic details. Others include research tools that can crawl the web and analyze potential customers who match your buyer persona profiles.
CRM synchronization, automated deduplication, retargeting campaign automation, support for live chat and webinar marketing features are also something you might be interested in. The main idea, when looking for the best way to generate high-quality leads is to see if your budget is enough for the tool that has all the features you need. Otherwise, you might have to look into other options.
With these features and KPIs in mind, it’s time to look into some of the options that you have in terms of sales & lead generation tools. While this is only a brief description, we’ll mention the pros and cons of each tool, as follows:
The choice you make should be correlated with your specific needs and with your company’s budget. Some of these tools come with expensive monthly subscriptions, so making estimations in terms of ROI is highly recommended.
More often than not, startups that have a simple and customized sales process don’t afford to spend a lot on very expensive and very complex sales and lead gen automation platforms. In addition, from a business development point of view, they cannot afford to invest in solutions that have time-consuming learning curves.
If your company manages a great number of customers, instead, there’s a need for very complex tools such as HubSpot or Marketo. In turn, these can prove very difficult to integrate and manage. Having employees trained takes a lot of time and even more resources, which in turn can set you behind the competition.
An even better option is to outsource the lead gen automation activities to a business partner who already has the know-how for the best solutions out there. This way, the lead gen process can be customized to match your company’s needs exactly. Get in touch with us if you would like to find out more about this approach!