
How Jamie Oliver Uses Social Media to Raise Food Awareness

Written by Cristina Lauby | Jul 30, 2013 7:54:54 AM

I’m a fan of Jamie Oliver not only because he cooks well but because he’s fun. His recipes, lifestyle, restaurants, food are fascinating to many. And he runs great campaigns to raise food awareness.

In 2010, after shocking his audience with the statement opening his award-winning TED talk that „In the next eighteen minutes, four Americans that are alive will be dead from the food that they eat”, Oliver announced soon that he’ll be investing all $100,000 of his TED prize money into starting a food-awareness movement in North America. “I’m not a doctor” he said, “I’m a chef. I don’t have expensive equipment or medicine. I use information and education.” And, yes he knows how to use them.

In 2012, during Le Web event, Jamie revealed that he was a huge fan of Instagram, and said both Twitter and Facebook are also great for engagement.

Jamie joined the Social Media Leadership Forum and it’s with the help of the power of social media that he will promote a healthier lifestyle....starting with..promoting himself:

His website: Jamie created a whole community around the website. People don’t just visit Olvier’s page once, according to Monisha Saldanha, Head of Online at Jamie Oliver, but become engaged in conversations, proving that they are passionate about Jamie’s cause and want to do more than just „like” the page.

Photo source:

His Facebook page has already over 1.5 million likes and has the potential to reach 500 million people, according to Saldanha. Moreover, visitors are invited to sign Oliver’s Food Revolution petition, a digital document that has gained more than 800,000 supporters.

Jamie’s Twitter account has over 3,3 million followers he shares his ideas and inspiration with. Oliver also asked parents to engage via Twitter, in order to change their children’s generation perception of food. Here is just one example: through one of his Tweets, he encouraged the nine year old Martha Payne, who was temporarily banned by the local District Council from running her popular blog about her school dinners.  Through Twitter, Jamie asked the schoolgirl to "stay strong" and asked his followers to retweet the message. More than 3,100 people did it.

Jamie Oliver is personally involved with Instagram. His posts average one per day, sharing interesting insights to his life.

Google+ - Jamie uses Google Hangout to promote events and connect to people who are involved in the Food revolution across the world. Watch here the Food Revolution Day hangout, streamed on May 2013.

In 2011 Jamie also entered social media gaming, through a partnership with Restaurant City, the Playfish game. For four weeks, he made available in the game branded recipes and the players could design and manage their own eateries, create menus and employ Facebook friends as waiters and chefs.

In addition, Jamie Oliver Recipe Apps allow users to shop and cook delicious food in a fun way, using their iPhones.

I few words, Jamie Oliver is a great social media success story, based on the idea of reaching individually a great number of people. As Jamie says: „You only have to affect 2 percent of the population to make radical change. If one person teaches three people how to cook something, and they teach three of their mates, that only has to repeat itself twenty-five times and that’s the whole population of America. Romantic? Yes, but most importantly, it’s about getting everybody to realize that every one of your individual efforts makes a difference. We’ve got to put back what’s been lost.”

That’s the definition of social media right?