

Written by mbadmin | May 18, 2017 5:40:16 PM

The Client

BlogDash is a blogger outreach platform that acts as a meeting point for 1) individuals writing in fields as varied as marketing to music and 2) companies doing business in a similar wide range of industries. BlogDash works on filtering the information in order to match companies with the bloggers they need. For the latter, BlogDash offers free subscription, visibility and a set of filters in order for them to position their blog in desired categories. In return, this facilitates companies with similar interests to find them. The service makes the entire blogger outreach workload significantly easier, not only by automatically researching bloggers through filters but also by offering information on how these people wish to be approached for doing business.


  • Transforming the business opportunity into success . The lack of direct competition (and a scarce presence of indirect competitors) was an advantage. Nevertheless, this meant launching BlogDash’s unique service to an unpredictable reaction from the market.
  • Adapting the features of the service with the market changing requirements, all on a fast pace.
  • Getting involved in the product development and database maintenance, not just the market strategy and promotion.
  • Responding to the client’s (BlogDash) new requirements as a result of the dynamic and rapid evolution of the service it offered.

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